Carrier Sekani Family Services


PO Box 1219,
240 West Stewart St.
Vanderhoof, BC V0J 3A0

Ph: 250-567-2900

Ph: 1-866-567-2333


Facebook: Carrier Sekani Family Services

240 West Stewart Street
Vanderhoof, BC  V0J 3A0

CSFS (Carrier Sekani Family Services) Vanderhoof is a satellite office for surrounding communities outside of Prince George, BC where the main office is held.

CSFS is primarily for the Indigenous Carrier and Sekani peoples of North Central BC.  CSFS provides a wide range of health and wellness services with Culture the core of all they do, all services can be found on their website.  Services offered to all ages of Indigenous Carrier and Sekani, their focus on health and wellness of child, youth and families through various educational and support programs. 

Mental Health and Counselling for children and youth living on or off reserve.

Did You Know?

68% of respondents (youth) have witnessed youth using alcohol and other drugs in our community.